Category Archives: Technique Class

Technique class


Don’t forget, we this month’s technique class is on masking. We are offering it twice, both times at Seacoast Sewing Center. It is January 15 at 11 am and January 23 at 5 pm. Classes will be approximately one hour and are only $12. We will be learning the technique. You will get a instructional page to keep and practice the technique as well as a card to send with the technique. I am working on perfecting it now and here is the result. Not perfect but I like it. photo-4

January Technique Classes


Looking for a fun easy way to improve the looks of your paper creations. Starting this January, I will be offering a Technique class. I am offering a morning and evening class, so you can pick whichever one fits your schedule better. Both classes will focus on the same technique and both will be held in the classroom at the Seacoast Sewing Center on Rt 1 in Portsmouth, NH.

For January, we will be focusing on the technique of masking. Masking is a beautiful and easy way to paint a picture with your rubber stamps. Each class is only $12 and all supplies are included. You will make a page with a sample of the technique along with instructions and tips for repeating the technique. These are great for creating a beautiful scrapbook that holds all your techniques right at your fingertips. In addition we will make a card featuring that technique. Class dates are January 15, 11am – 12 pm and January 23, 5 pm to 6 am. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for a sneak peek of what we will be making 🙂